
About G.C.S.

School Information

Educational Programmes

Student Activities


Calendar 2024/25


Course Outline

We in Glenamaddy Community School believe that Information and Communication Technology has a central role to play as a tool for the support and enhancement of learning for now and for life. It forms part of the holistic education offered by this school.

ICT equips our students with the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to be successful in their future lives as citizens living in an information society.

Computers have become an important part of life, from preparing portfolios for examinations to doing a driving test.  In first year, we try to establish a familiarisation of computers within students.  They get an Understanding of the parts of the computer and their accessories, then an appreciation of the keyboard itself.  By Christmas students should be comfortable with typing and usually sit a Keyboarding Speed Test.  Not all the year is just keyboarding, students get to explore different programmes—to make cards and look up topics on the internet.

In second year students get the opportunity to do the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) examination. The ECDL includes the following areas:

1. Concepts of Information Technology,

2. Using the Computer and Managing Files,

3. Word Processing,

4. Spreadsheets,

5. Database,

6. Presentation,

7. Information and Communication. 

Project Work

While specialist courses such FETAC PLC, LCA, LCVP AND ECDL require considerable use of specialist computer labs, every effort is made to accommodate mainstream students with maximum access to computers as deemed necessary.  


The ECDL as explained above is the main form of assessment for this subject as it isn't a Junior Cert exam subject at the moment.



Glenamaddy Community School, Church Street, Glenamaddy, Via Castlerea, Co. Galway, F45KF50 


Telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | Fax +353(0)94 9659354 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

RCN: 20149543