
About G.C.S.

School Information

Educational Programmes

Student Activities


Calendar 2024/25


Resource Department

Learning Support

The principal aim of Learning Support is to optimise the teaching and learning process in order to enable pupils with learning difficulties to achieve adequate levels of literacy and numeracy to successfully complete their Junior and Leaving Certificate. Early intervention is very important.  Students who have special educational needs may be eligible for resource hours from the Department of Education and Science. Alternatively Students who fall below the 10th percentile in or screening test are also deemed eligible for Learning Support. Screening test are carried out to identify Students eligible for Learning Support. As follow-on to the screening test further assessments may be carried out—the student may be referred to an educational psychologist or Speech and Language Therapist. Support is offered to students through withdrawal from class and through in-class support, working in conjunction with the subject teacher. Currently Learning Support is being offered on a withdrawal basis from different classes each term.  Individual Education Profiles are drawn up for each student and these plans are reviewed regularly.  We see this as a welcome intervention for students.




Glenamaddy Community School, Church Street, Glenamaddy, Via Castlerea, Co. Galway, F45KF50 


Telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | Fax +353(0)94 9659354 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

RCN: 20149543