
About G.C.S.

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Calendar 2024/25


I.C.T. Policy

I.C.T. Planning is in itself, very important and it is also an integral part of school development planning.  Hence at this time (March 2012) the school’s plan is being reviewed and will be constantly monitored.  This document sets out the school’s aims, principles and strategies for the delivery of Information Technology over the next 4 to 5 years.


Members of Staff are invited to serve on the I.C.T. steering committee.


Glenamaddy Community School dedicates itself to providing a holistic education where the potential and uniqueness of each student is fostered and celebrated.  With our Educational Partners we strive to create a caring environment of mutual respect, where each individual is cherished and nurtured to a personal, intellectual and moral maturity.  We find our inspiration in the Christian message of faith, hope and love.


Help students develop the necessary skills to exploit I.C.T.

Help students and staff to become autonomous users of I.C.T.

Help students to evaluate the benefits of I.C.T. and its impact on society.

Promote the use of Digital Content in supporting the delivery of the curriculum.

Achieve the highest possible standards of achievement.

Adequately support teachers in the use of I.C.T. as a teaching tool.

Promote the use of educational websites (e.g. Scoilnet, CAO) and the Internet in the school

Encourage every teacher to get interested in, and use I.T.

Provide adequate resources so that computers can be used as a teaching and learning tool in all subject areas of the curriculum.

Foster a positive supportive I.C.T. structure throughout the school.

Celebrate success in I.C.T. use.


Four fully equipped Computer Labs.

One multimedia Computer Lab.

A fully equipped T4 Computer Lab.

A fully equipped suite facilitate Special Needs Education.

All classrooms equipped with a networked PC – providing access to the school’s administration database, the internet, and curriculum materials (both locally and externally developed).

4 Interactive whiteboards

All specialist class rooms have banks of computers, for individual student access.

All computers have Microsoft Office 365.

Internet Access through Internet Explorer; E-Portal access to school’s Administration Database.

The provision of a number of laptops for staff to encourage and enhance their use of I.C.T. as a teaching strategy at home.

The provision of wall mounted data projectors for all classrooms in the school .

Software for careers, languages, sciences, mathematics and accounts, payroll and drawing

All curriculum materials researched/developed by staff and available via the school’s network, on a shared drive, for teaching and learning.

Central printing for both students & teachers.

Azure Office 365 login, for both teachers and students, where subject resources are held.

Remote control software enables teachers (or network administrator) to control a number of student workstations in a computer training lab - or remote location - from one central workstation. Classroom groups and policies as well as Internet and application restrictions can be created by teacher or network manager to maintain security on the school network.


The school recognises the need to integrate students with special needs such as those with special physical or educational needs.  We aim to continue to facilitate students with special physical needs with the provision of access and appropriate equipment.


In their first year, students learn the basic keyboarding skills and main menus of software to be used in their second year.  All students in the school are given the opportunity to complete the E.C.D.L., this is done through an automated testing system.  Students sit exams in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Internet and Microsoft Excel in second year and in fifth/sixth year the File Management, Microsoft Access, and Theory exams are completed.  The latest version of Microsoft Office; Office 2010 is used.


L.C.A. is a major part of the senior curriculum and because I.T. is a mandatory part of this curriculum these students get priority in labs.

While specialist courses such QQI PLC, LCA, LCVP and ICDL require considerable use of specialist labs every effort will be made to accommodate mainstream students with maximum access to these labs


The school is committed to being a true Community School and in this sense a continuing commitment to Adult Education is a must. We run a full time QQI PLC in Business Studies during the day. In addition we continue to provide self-financing evening courses for the beginner and improver. With our partners in ICS Skills (I.C.D.L.) & QQI we aim to continue to provide verifiable certified courses at night.


The school is committed to ensure maintenance on its servers and PCs via a combination of updating, renewing and maintenance on a pay as you go system. This plan recognises the high level of skill and commitment of the I.T. team and their role in maintenance and support.  This plan is fully committed to investigating all methods of maintenance and selecting the most efficient, cost effective method while at no time imposing on any individual.


The school has in place an Internet Acceptable Usage Policy. PCs in the school are connected to the Internet via the schools NCTE Broadband Programme.  Both wired and wireless Internet access; is available in all classrooms.  The school has signed up to the national filtering system organised for the school by the NCTE (National Council for Technology in Education).  Since the control of this filtering lies outside the control of the school, the school will constantly review the need to add an additional interface to control Internet Access.


All students and teachers are provided with a login username and password, passwords are confidential.  It is the responsibility of each user to keep his/her password private and to log off at the end of each session.


The role of the co-ordinator may include

Co-ordinating the compilation, production and implementation of the school I.C.T plan

Developing strategies for integration of I.C.T. across the curriculum

Liaising with Senior Management and advising on I.C.T. strategies

Maintaining a repair database for cross checking with invoices before clearing for payment

The co-ordinator shall be responsible for the replacement of consumables

The co-ordinator shall be consulted for his/her advice prior to the purchase of equipment


There must be an on-going commitment by school management to continue to invest school funds in I.T.

Budgetary priorities for the future:

Investment in equipment to encompass broadband infrastructure and to utilise its full potential.

A Policy of supporting staff in the acquisition of skills designed to improve teaching and learning using ICT.

A continual policy of update, renewal and expansion of equipment

The on-going investigation and purchase of subject specific software and the provision of the Hardware Platform to support this software as it becomes an integral part of many subjects areas

A continual policy of software acquisition for cross curricular use; with a particular focus on the area of special needs.


The aim of this Acceptable Usage Policy is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by the schools Internet resources in a safe and effective manner. Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. If the School Policy is not adhered to then this privilege will be withdrawn. This plan aims to employ a number of strategies in order to maximise learning opportunities and minimise risks associated with the Internet.

  • Internet sessions must be supervised by a teacher
  •  Filtering software will be used in order to minimise the risks of exposure to inappropriate material
  •  Internet usage will be monitored
  •  Uploading and downloading of software without approval is forbidden
  •  Virus Protection will be used and updated
  •  Students will observe good practice and will not undertake any actions that may bring the school into disrepute
  •  Students will not visit Internet sites that contain obscene, illegal, or otherwise objectionable material
  •  Students will use the Internet for educational purposes only
  •  Students will only use approved class e-mails
  •  Students will not send or receive emails containing material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory or that is intended to annoy or intimidate another person
  •  Students must obtain permission before printing any material
  •  Students will note that sending and receiving e-mails and attachments is a privilege and is subject to the permission of a teacher
  •  Students must not access chat rooms
  •  Any student work published on the Internet must be authorised by a teacher and cleared with management
  •  It is the responsibility of each user to keep their password private
  •  It is the responsibility of each user to log off


Misuse of the Internet may result in disciplinary action, including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and in extreme cases, suspension or expulsion. The school reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

Guidelines for the use of I.C.T. facilities are displayed in the computer labs and use of the I.C.T. facilities implies acceptance of these guidelines.





Glenamaddy Community School, Church Street, Glenamaddy, Via Castlerea, Co. Galway, F45KF50 


Telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | Fax +353(0)94 9659354 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

RCN: 20149543