
About G.C.S.

School Information

Educational Programmes

Student Activities


Calendar 2024/25


Code of Good Behaviour

Mission Statement

Glenamaddy Community School dedicates itself to providing an holistic education where the potential and uniqueness of each student is fostered and celebrated. With our Educational Partners we strive to create a caring environment of mutual respect, where each individual is cherished and nurtured to a personal, intellectual and moral maturity. We find our inspiration in the Christian message of faith, hope and love.


The Aims of Glenamaddy Community School

We are committed to providing the best possible education for all our students. We aim to create a sense of community where respect is mutual and where people bring out the best in each other. We are committed to creating a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning, where our students can develop into motivated and self-disciplined young people.

We recognise that students have different abilities and interests and tailor our expectations accordingly. Every student has a right to an education, which suits their needs and abilities and encourages each them to develop their potential. Everyone has corresponding responsibilities to ensure that the rights of others are upheld. We seek to inspire and motivate our students by example and advice. Good behaviour is encouraged, praised and rewarded. We aspire to standards and values which encourage our students to grow into self-confident and responsible citizens, prepared to face the challenges of independent life after school. In that regard we commit ourselves to implement the School Rules in a fair, impartial and consistent manner.


The Goals of the Educational Partners

The primary educators of children are parents. Glenamaddy Community School acts in loco parentis while these children are in our care. The Management and Staff seek to create a safe and happy environment conducive to learning. The Staff of the school is fully conscious of the obligation this puts on them to maintain a productive and co-operative atmosphere where learning can take place. Good discipline is everyone’s concern. It contributes to order and is an integral part of the educational and socialisation process. Our school rules are necessary to protect the general good and the rights of all the school community.


Pastoral Care Team

Our school aims to respond to the needs of our students - personally, morally, and academically. Every student is encouraged to develop a set of values that embrace respect and responsibility. The Pastoral Care Team meets regularly to discuss the welfare of our students.

• Senior students act as prefects for First Year students.

• Each student has a Year Head who has responsibility for monitoring discipline, academic progress and personal development.

• The Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads and Chaplain meet regularly to discuss issues relevant to the students and management of the school.

• Students have the services of the School Chaplain, Guidance Counsellor and Learning Support Department. Parents wishing to speak with a member of the Pastoral Care team may do so by appointment.


Anti-Bullying Policy

• Our school has an Anti-Bullying policy. Bullying is regarded as a serious offence and, where necessary, appropriate procedures will be applied.

• If concerns are voiced they are dealt with on an individual basis by the Year Head, Chaplain, Deputy Principal or Principal.

• This is a “Telling School” which encourages victims and witnesses to come forward.

• We recognise that bullies can also be victims and that counselling may be better than punishment in some cases


Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities

• We value the opportunities that our co-curricular and extra-curricular activities afford our students to grow and develop. Such activities are a vital part of the learning process as well as ensuring a healthy mind and a healthy body.

• We urge students to live healthily with a balance of study, exercise, rest and good diet.

• Students are encouraged to take part in sport, musicals, programmes such as Gaisce, John Paul II and Erasmus, public speaking and competitions such as Junk Kouture, Poetry Aloud, Credit Union Art, Young Scientist, All-Ireland Playwrighting, Sci Fest, Maths Eye and so many more.

• Sport plays a vital part in our school life through physical education classes, activities and games. We encourage everyone to get active by participating in football, soccer, basketball, handball, cycling, dancing, running, walking, gym work, rugby, kayaking or skiing.

• We encourage students to engage with the arts through music, art and performance. Our musical, musical evenings, dramatic productions and NAPD Creative Engagement allow students to develop their creative talents, skills and confidence on, off and back stage.

• School tours, day trips, field work, work experience, theatre visits and guest speakers make a valuable contribution to the wider education of our students.

• Given the Christian ethos of the school, students are encouraged to take part in school-related religious activities. Our school is a multi-denominational school which respects the religious views of others.

• Our students are often complimented for the way they represent themselves, their families and our school. We expect and encourage them to respect themselves and others at all times. The Code of Good Behaviour applies to all school activities.


School Rules

The Education Partners would like each student to be happy and safe at school and to benefit from their post- primary education. School rules are intended to protect our students and the values we seek to uphold. Our school is a community of people with shared interests and goals. Everyone can make a positive contribution towards creating a caring atmosphere in our school by adhering to the Code of Good Behaviour. The interpretation of the rules is a matter for the management of the school. If we are to create the suitable environment for learning it is important that we accept and follow a set of rules that outline what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.


Attendance and Punctuality 

• Students are required to attend school every day. A note of explanation in the School Journal is required for each absence or late arrival. In the case of unexplained absences, the Year Head may contact the parent/guardian.

• Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day without the permission of the School Management. A note from the parent/guardian is necessary if permission is to be given for an appointment during the day. Such students must ‘sign out’ on departure and ‘sign back’ on return at Reception. Students must have school permission to call home to be collected during the school day.

• Students are required to be on time for school and for all classes during the day. Latecomers must sign-in at reception to register their attendance and have their names recorded in the ‘Lateness Record Book’. Yearheads will monitor attendance and punctuality.

• Students who are ill should report to their teacher and/or the office to arrange contact with their parents/guardians. If a student’s condition gives cause for concern he/she may be brought to the Doctor. Medical expenses are the responsibility of the parents/guardians.

• School management reserves the right to allow or refuse students to represent the school, participate in school tours or activities, or travel as supporters to school events.


School Uniform and Appearance

The uniform is a symbol of our school and creates a clear school identity. All students must wear the official uniform in school, while representing the school and during state exams. The school uniform consists of:


• School tartan skirt or school-approved navy trousers

• Crested navy school jumper and school blouse

• Black leather school shoes with navy socks or tights


• Grey Hunter trousers

• School shirt and crested navy school jumper

• Black leather school shoes

Students not wearing full uniform or being disrespectful to the school uniforms may be subject to disciplinary procedures. Tracksuits, jeans, jeggings, runners or other shoes are not allowed. A note from the parent/guardian is required if a student is unavoidably not wearing full uniform.

In the interest of health and safety, students are expected to be neat and well groomed. Avoid the wearing of excessive jewellery.

Students are permitted to wear a tracksuit bottoms, runners and a sports top for the duration of the day they have PE (Junior) or Games (Senior). See website for online PE Uniform Shop.


The School Journal

Each student must have/purchase an official School Journal. It is a learning tool and useful as a method of communication between students, parents and teachers. The Journal is not a private diary and therefore can be inspected, at any time, by a member of Staff.

The School Journal is used:

• By students to record all homework.

• By parents to record notes for student absences and lateness, to request permission for students to leave school for essential appointments, to explain non-completion of homework etc.

• To correspond with parents, record lateness, give permission to leave class etc.

• Parents are requested to regularly check and sign the School Journal. The Yearhead will check the journal regularly.

• Students may not interfere with or write graffiti on a journal. Students will meet the costs of replacement journals.


Behaviour and Good Manners

• Students will respect themselves, their fellow students, members of the school staff and all visitors to the school.

• Students will respect and obey their teachers. They will respond politely if corrected. Students will address staff as Miss or Sir.

• Swearing or using offensive language is forbidden.

• Students will conduct themselves in an orderly manner and will not disrupt classes or distract the teacher.


Health and Safety

Students attending or representing the school or on any school organised activity should note:

• Students engaging in aggression, verbal or physical will face serious consequences up to and including expulsion.

• Students found in possession, consuming or under the influence of alcohol will face serious disciplinary consequences. Students are forbidden to enter public houses during school hours or in school uniform.

• Students found to be in possession of, consuming or supplying harmful substances will face serious consequences up to and including expulsion.

• Students found smoking or vaping on school grounds or while representing the school will face disciplinary consequences.

• Dangerous items such as knives, firearms, fireworks, etc. are forbidden. Students in possession of or using such items will face serious consequences up to and including expulsion.

• Chewing gum in school is forbidden. Food or beverages may not be consumed in class except with the express permission of the teacher.

• The school has an IUP policy governing the using of ICT/iPads in the school. Students may not use mobile phones, cameras or other unauthorised electronic devices in class or on school grounds without the express permission of their teacher. Students found in breach of these rules may have their device confiscated, to be returned to the student or their parent/guardian at the discretion of the school management.

• Students are not allowed into a classroom unless a teacher is present. Specialist machines and equipment are out of bounds except under the supervision of a teacher.

• Students driving themselves to/from school is discouraged. Students may not use their vehicles or give lifts to other students during school hours or park vehicles on the school grounds without permission from the Principal.

• All students must remain on the school grounds at all times. Students must a have note and the permission of their Yearhead, Deputy Principal or Principal to go down town.

• Students will keep the school clean and tidy. Breaches of the Code of Good Behaviour may incur a tidying or clear up duty.


Care of Schoool and Student Property

• A student’s property is his/her responsibility. Students should write their name on all personal belongings. Students must have a proper school bag, necessary books, copies and equipment.

• Students will respect the property of the school and others. Interference with or damage of property is a serious offence - this includes fire extinguishers, lockers, windows, fittings or equipment. Defacing school/student property including books and uniform is forbidden. The replacement cost of vandalised, damaged or stolen property will be met by the student involved or their parents/guardians.

• School texts on loan under the Book Rental Scheme must be treated with great care. Damaged/defaced school journals, schoolbags, books, copies etc. will have to be replaced.


Homework and Study

• Students must be fully prepared for their classes each day Students will be expected to have all the required books, copies and equipment and homework completed so that they can take full part in class.

• Homework is not just written exercises. It also includes reading, study, revision, memorising, project work and advance preparation. Guidelines are provided in our Homework Policy.

• All homework should be recorded in the School Journal and parents should inspect this regularly.

• Students who miss classes through extra-curricular activities must complete their homework. Students who miss class though illness or family reasons are expected to make reasonable efforts to catch up on work.


Disciplinary Procedures

Each case of a breach of the School Rules will be treated on an individual basis and with regard to how serious the breach is. The past record, attitude and general behaviour of the student will be taken into account.

The Class Teacher will generally deal with breaches of the Code for Good Behaviour within his/her classroom. The teacher may speak with the student, point out the nature of the misbehaviour and seek an undertaking from the student that they will behave. The teacher may seek parental support by contacting the parent by phone, letter or note in the journal. A ‘Points System’ for recording instances of misbehaviour may be used. An accumulation of points may merit detention.

Teachers may give a written report to the Year Head outlining breaches of the Code of Good Behaviour. On referral the Year Head will speak to the student, offer guidance and explain the consequences of further misbehaviour. The Year Head may put the student on detention, assign lunchtime duties or deprive him/her of privileges such as participating on school trips. The Year Head may also use ‘The Report Card’ whereby each teacher comments on the student’s behaviour on a class-by-class basis. Parents / Guardians may also be contacted about their child at any stage.

A ‘Notice of Detention’ (to be returned signed) will be sent in advance to Parents/ Guardians of students who have been assigned detention. Detention takes place after school or on a free day. Parents/Guardians are responsible for arranging transport. The fact that it may be inconvenient to do detention at the time assigned will not excuse the student from this sanction. A student may be required to do a double detention if he/she fails to attend at the date and time assigned.

It will be at the discretion of the Principal, Deputy Principal and the Year Heads to suspend a student. Students may be suspended from class internally pending communication or a meeting with Parents/Guardians. A decision to suspend a student from school will be communicated to the Parents/Guardians by letter. Students may only return after suspension following a meeting of the student concerned and his/ her Parents/Guardians with the Principal, Deputy Principal or Yearhead. The student and Parents/Guardians must give an undertaking that the student will comply with the Code of Good Behaviour in the future.

The school reserves the right to decide which course of action is taken in instances of breaches of the Code of Good Behaviour. Students have the right to present their side and parents have a right to be informed and given a fair hearing.

The Board of Management reserves the right to expel a student in instances of very serious misbehaviour. Expulsion may be preceded by a period of suspension. Parents/Guardians, or the student if over 18, have a right to appeal to the Board of Management in the first instance and subsequently such further rights of appeal as set out in Section 28 & 29 of the Education Act 1998.

Acceptance of the Code of Good Behaviour


Each student, their parents/guardians and the Yearhead, Deputy Principal or Principal will sign this code of Behaviour. It is a condition of entry to Glenamaddy Community School that all parties sign this agreement.

I have read, fully accept and agree that my son/daughter will abide by this Code of Behaviour.

Signatures:  ________________________________________________


I have read, fully accept and agree to abide by this Code of Behaviour.

Signature:    _____________________________


Signature:   _____________________________

                    Principal/Deputy Principal/Yearhead

Date:  ____________________


Anti Bullying Charter

I will not bully other students.

I will try to help fellow students who are bullied.

I will try to include fellow students who feel left out.

I will report bullying.

Signature:    _____________________________

                    Student’s Name





Glenamaddy Community School, Church Street, Glenamaddy, Via Castlerea, Co. Galway, F45KF50 


Telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | Fax +353(0)94 9659354 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

RCN: 20149543